Why You Feel Sick after Having Wheat?

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Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye naturally. It is a key component for bread and pasta but can be found in a variety of other products as well. Gluten sensitivity is a condition that affects around one in 20 individuals in the U.S., known as gluten intolerance. Gluten causes an immune system response in some people. Many of the symptoms can be like the symptoms of IBS and include:


Bloating is when you feel as if after you have eaten too much, and your belly is bloated or full of gas. You can feel wretched by that. While bloating is very common and can have many causes, gluten intolerance can also be indicated. Indeed, the bloated feeling is one of those symptoms common in those who are vulnerable or intolerant of gluten.

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Diarrhea / Constipation - Gluten-intolerant individuals often suffer from diarrhea or constipation. Patients with celiac disease can also have strange colored or very bad smelling feces.

Stomach Pain - The most common symptom of gluten intolerance among gluten intolerant people is stomach pain.

HeadachesGI doctors in OKC often are asked how headaches relate to gut health. Gluten-intolerant people appear to be more likely than healthy people to have migraines.

Tiredness - A common symptom is that you feel extremely tired and affects approximately 60–82% of individuals with gluten intolerance.

Skin Problems - Intolerance to gluten can affect your skin as well. The skin manifestation of celiac disease is a blistering skin condition called dermatitis herpetiformis. All patients with gluten-sensitive disease experience digestive symptoms indicating a celiac disease, but fewer than 10% of them see it on their skin. Also, several other skin conditions improved in a gluten-free diet including:

Psoriasis - An inflammatory skin disease with skin reddening and skin scaling.

Alopecia Areata - Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disease resulting in hair loss.

Chronic Urticaria - Commonly called hives, a skin condition with recurrent, itchy, pink or red lesions with centers of a lighter color.

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Unexpected Weight Loss - Random loss of weight can be a sign of celiac disease, particularly when combined with other digestive symptoms.

Anemia and Iron Deficiency - The Celiac disease can make you poorly absorb iron, which causes anemia or iron deficiency.

Immunity Problems - People with auto-immune diseases such as celiac disease are more likely to develop other autoimmune illnesses, such as thyroid diseases.

Muscle Pain - Individuals who have gluten-intolerance often report joint and muscle pain. This may be caused by an oversensitive nervous system.

Numbness in Legs and Arms - Neuropathy involves numbness or tingling on the arms and legs which is another unusual symptom of gluten intolerance. In individuals with diabetes and vitamin B12 deficiency, this condition is common. Toxicity and consumption of alcohol can also lead to it.

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Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an immune reaction to the eating of gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye), sometimes called sprue or coeliac disease. Gluten eating triggers an immune response to your small intestine if you experience celiac disease. This effect damages the lining of your small intestine over time and prevents nutrient absorption (malabsorption). Diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating, and anemia are often caused by intestinal damage and can cause severe complications.


Celiac disease occurs through the interaction of genes, gluten foods, and other environmental factors, but the exact cause has not been identified. Practices of infant feeding, gastrointestinal infections, and intestinal bacteria may contribute to celiac disease development. GI doctors in OKC are likely to see more cases after surgery, pregnancy, birth, viral infection, or severe emotional stress, when celiac disease is triggered or first activated.

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The reaction damages the tiniest, hair-like projections - villi - in the small intestines, which happens when the body's immune system overreacts to gluten in food. Villi absorb from the food you eat vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. You cannot get enough nutrients if your villi are damaged, regardless of how much you eat.

To have an expert diagnosis and prescription diet plan to avoid celiac disease symptoms or other gluten-intolerance problems, you always have our GI doctors in OKC. Contact Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc. to have your appointment soon.


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