Upper Endoscopy (EGD)

Upper Endoscopy (EGD)

An upper endoscopy (EGD) is a procedure that examines the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It's used to find the cause of symptoms such as trouble swallowing, stomach pain, vomiting, or others discussed in this video. A physician will determine if you need an EGD after meeting with you and performing a physical examination.

During the procedure, you are sedated. The doctor will insert a small, flexible tube through your mouth and into the upper GI tract. He or she will then examine your upper GI tract with a small camera. He or she may also take tissue samples called a biopsy to be sent to the lab for testing. Watch the video to learn more about this procedure. 

An upper endoscopy (EGD) is done to look at part of the digestive system. EGD helps diagnose conditions such as acid reflux and ulcers. Find out what to expect for your procedure.