Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Uncovering the Curtain from Colonoscopy Expectations

The Internet is a pool of information, and we agree on that. However, determining what's right and what's wrong can be challenging. People looking for a colonoscopy in OKC may get facts here and there. But getting trustworthy information is a tricky thing to acquire.

Bye, Bye Problems! We have heard your request to know about the colonoscopy procedure. Therefore, our attention went toward creating the before, during and post-expectations of colonoscopy screening.

Meanwhile, you can let those fear-based thoughts step aside while we put some value-elevating facts on your screens. Here is everything you need to know from this blog.

Exploring the Preparatory Stage for Colonoscopy

Rumors keep doing the rounds in OKC that the procedure is time-consuming and exhausting. But what if we tell you the truth is far from this misconception? Yes!

The prep starts 24 hours before the screening and includes advancements to make things tolerable.

Dietary Facts: Any gastroenterologist will tell you that a liquid diet is the basis of prep. You can choose between clear soda and broth, tea and caffeine without milk and plain water.

What's the Purpose? G.I. doctors recommend a clear liquid diet a day before colonoscopy to gain a good view of the colon and rectum's interior. You should follow your doctor's instructions for the best possible results.

Laxative intake is another thing that you should do. Once again, following the instructions will make things convenient. Furthermore, laxatives provide easy-to-swallow benefits and significantly clear the intestines.

Foods to Avoid: Doctors often advise patients to avoid red-dyed meals and stringy foods.

Medication Adjustments: You should inform doctors of the ongoing medications before starting the procedure.

What to Expect During Colonoscopy?

The colonoscopy process takes a minimum of 30-60 minutes to attain completion. Doctors put a long, thin tube inside the rectum to have an inner view. They rely on this procedure to identify the availability of polyps that may turn cancerous in the later stage.

The Need for Eliminating Polyps: Like many other Oklahomans, you may wonder why doctors pay immense attention to polyps. Although symptoms may not be apparent, problems with bowel movements and constipation can appear in the later phase.

Biopsy becomes a necessary testing move for doctors when they notice any tissue abnormality. Furthermore, indications such as blood-stained stools and diarrhea require biopsy support to identify the cause.

The Post-Procedure Facts to Decipher

Once the colonoscopy is over, the patient stays in recovery until the sedation effect fades. Doctors can only discharge you when someone arrives to drive you home.

It takes 30 to 60 minutes to revert to a normal state.

A possible experience after the process is a lack of bowel movements for several days. Noticing minor blood stains is okay. However, large blood clots are signs of concern and need your doctor's attention.

Taking screening support is the best life-saving decision to obtain when patients are over 45 years of age.

The Digestive Support You Need

Digestive Disease Specialists, INC, helps people attain reliable gastrointestinal care and screening support. We help patients get accurate information and guidance on health improvement. If abdominal pain keeps you from living life to the fullest, contact our team to begin the diagnosis and prep.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.