Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Some Frequently Asked Questions about Colonoscopy

Most doctors recommend people living in Oklahoma City, who might have a high chance of getting colon cancer, get a colonoscopy done. They tell the patients to go for it before the age of 45. This is because it reduces the chance of getting cancer in the future. There are several reasons you should get this done; the most important one is to screen for colorectal cancer.

The main reasons vary depending on age, family medical history, many different risks, and general health. If the doctor finds cancerous polyps in your colon, you might need to do the screening more frequently. There are many questions that people still have about colonoscopy, some of which are answered in the following blog.

What is Colonoscopy?

This is the central question that people want to know. A colonoscopy is a medical procedure to examine the inside of a colon. This is done using a device known as a colonoscopy. This is done to determine if the patient has a cancerous or precancerous lesion in the colon or rectum.

What are the Symptoms?

Most people do not get any symptoms at the early stage of colon cancer. This is why doctors recommend preventive screening to make sure it does not get worse. Some studies show that millions of people help prevent colon cancer because of routine colonoscopies. When the examination is done, they look for precancerous growths known as polyps. If they find any, they operate and remove it before it becomes cancerous. Some common symptoms might include abdominal pain, weight loss, rectal bleeding, change in bowel habits, and anemia.

What is a Colonoscope?

The colonoscope is the device by which a colonoscopy is done on a patient. It is a thin, flexible, light tube with a camera attached to the end. It is done to see the inner part of the gut (colon and rectal).

Is the Procedure Painful?

Colonoscopy isn’t painful for most patients; though some might complain of feeling some discomfort. Usually, patients are given medicine that helps them to fall asleep so they can sleep throughout the procedure. They might feel some pain when the camera is inserted or when air is blown into the colon.

What Precautions are To Be Taken?

There are certain precautions that the patient has to take after the colonoscopy is done. The doctors recommend the patient not drive or do any heavy machinery within 24 hours of the procedure, patients have to consume lots of fluid, they cannot take alcohol for some time, and they have to follow a special diet.

Get Yourself Checked Today

Now that you have answers to all your questions, try consulting Digestive Disease Specialist. They provide the highest level of gastrointestinal care to patients in Oklahoma. Call to schedule your appointment today.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.