Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Prep Tips for Colon Cancer

What prevents many people from receiving the colonoscopy? One of the main reasons is the fear of not knowing what to anticipate.

The preparation process or the surgery itself keeps many people from receiving this life-saving colonoscopy screening. A lot of the fear stems from erroneous information about a colonoscopy.

People should be aware that bowel cleansing serves an important purpose, as it helps doctors to see the colon clearly and detect and remove lesions that could turn into malignancies. These lesions may not create any symptoms, and colonoscopy is the technique to remove them before they become cancerous. These things are important, but they don't make getting ready for a colonoscopy fun. However, there are a variety of approaches that may be used to make the procedure more tolerable.

The One-Day Diet is a diet that lasts only one day.

The first step is preparing for a colonoscopy, according to your doctor, is to change your eating habits. You will not be consuming solid meals the day before the operation. It is acceptable to consume clear drinks. However, water isn't the only clear liquid available. Here are a few well-known examples:

  • Lemonade or apple juice

  • Clear flavored liquids (nothing red, blue, or purple)

  • Clear hard candy

  • Popsicles (dairy-free, no grape, cherry, or orange flavors)

  • Sprite, 7UP, or Ginger Ale

  • Coffee or tea without cream

Clear drinks are vital since they don't obstruct the doctor's ability to examine the colon's inner lining. A patient begins taking the laxative they were prescribed in the late afternoon. This is the most unpleasant portion of the preparation, but it is the most important for assuring the accuracy of your colonoscopy inspection.

Tips for Getting Through Bowel Preparation

Because the medicine induces extreme diarrhea, spend the evening near a restroom. Here are some of his recommendations for making it more bearable:

  • Eat lemon slices, Popsicle or hard candy, in between sips of the laxative to mask the taste

  • Mix medicines with a clear flavoring (avoid red, blue, black, or purple colors)

  • Have flushable wipes and a soothing ointment on hand

Make sure you drink all of your medication as directed. Your stool should be both liquid and transparent after you're done. You should not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight and until the operation the next morning. These rules are in place for a purpose. If the physician can't view the majority of the colon's inner lining, which prevents them from seeing small and pre-cancerous growth called "polyp," they may recommend that the treatment be repeated.

On Procedure Day, What to Expect

Most colonoscopies are done as outpatient procedures in the morning or afternoon, which means you can go home afterward. The colonoscopy procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes. However, the entire operation takes around four hours, including preparation and recovery. With better sedation and medicine, you won't feel or remember anything about the surgery.

Make an appointment for your screening today

Early detection is critical to protecting your life and ensuring your long-term health. Make an appointment for your colonoscopy screening today at Digestive Disease Specialist to help preserve your overall health.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.