Foods You Should Avoid and Consume During the GERD Disorder

Can you reach any corner of OKC where people don’t witness heartburn? We doubt the existence of any such space. Although you might complain of this condition, you might overlook the underlying cause: Gastroesophageal reflux disease. As the gastroenterologists reveal, it weakens the person’s esophageal sphincter, letting stomach content take a U-turn via the esophagus.

Although this long-term health condition requires a specialist’s attention, a few diet alterations can minimize the symptoms and their impacts. At Digestive Disease Specialists, INC, our gastroenterologists ensure next-level care and cure for all patients. We also provide life-saving colorectal cancer screening facilities for a healthy you. Visit our “contact us” page to drop your queries. Now, let’s see what the experts recommend to include and avoid in your daily diet.

Meals that are Worth Your Attention

Very few people in OKC know what foods to ignore and consume during GERD syndrome. Hence, we have come up with the answers to eliminate your doubts. Starting from the list of food replacements, here are what you need to consume.

  • Baked goods are ideal replacements for foods high in fats, like croissants, biscuits, sweet rolls, and doughnuts. Even the best gastroenterologists suggest avoiding items like cream rolls and other high-fat products. Instead, it is better to switch to pancakes, plain bread, bagels, waffles, and muffins (low in fat content.)

  • You can prefer low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream instead of full-fat milk products.

  • The other meal options gastroenterologists recommend in your diet include homemade soups containing lean ingredients, canned veggies free from added fat, fruit juice, lean meat, and low-fat snacks like corn tortillas.

Foods That Are a Strict No-No

Let us observe the beverages and food items you should avoid if you have GERD. These include caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, carbonated beverage, tomatoes, citrus juices and fruits, mint, garlic, spicy dishes, onions, and fried and fatty foods. These food products will likely aggravate your symptoms by relaxing the LES muscles. Fats, caffeine, and carbonated beverages are your worst enemies.

Whose Helping Hands Should You Grasp?

Dietary changes are great ways to lower the symptoms of GERD. However, you cannot obtain permanent relief from this syndrome without seeing a gastroenterologist. Digestive Disease Specialists, INC, comprise board-certified physicians utilizing cutting-edge diagnosis technologies to identify the problem. Furthermore, they formulate a customized treatment plan depending on your individual needs. Get ready to witness the best gastrointestinal healing!

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.


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