Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Flexible Sigmoidoscopy – Screening Process and More

The lower part of the large intestine (colon) is assessed using flexible sigmoidoscopy. A small, flexible tube (sigmoidoscope) is inserted in the rectum during a flexible sigmoidoscopy test. Your GI doctors in OKC can view the inside of the rectum and much of the sigmoid colon by using a small video camera at its top, screening about the last two feet of the large intestine. During a flexible sigmoidoscopy examination, tissue samples (biopsies) may be taken if required.

Colon and Rectal Cancer Screening

If you don't experience health problems or other factors making you more susceptible to colon cancer, your doctor will still recommend routine screening for colon and rectal cancer beginning at age 50.

Factors to induce colorectal cancer development:

  • The family history of having polyps or colon or rectal cancer

  • Your personal history of bowel inflammatory disease. For examples ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease

  • If you are overweight or have smoking habits

You may bee recommended a checkup by our GI doctors in OKC at a younger age if you are at higher risk of developing colorectal cancer and may need a better test. Talk to your doctor if you are above 75 years if you should receive a screening. You should have a colonoscopy to examine the rest of your colon if your doctor finds tissue abnormalities or polyps during a flexible sigmoidoscopy.

Why This Procedure?

This flexible sigmoidoscopy might be recommended under these conditions:

To study bowel symptoms and signs: Our doctor can examine the possible causes of abdominal pain, rectal fluids, bowel habits changes, chronic diarrhea and other intestinal problems with a flexible sigmoidoscopy test.

Colon cancer screening: You may be recommended a flexible sigmoidoscopy test every five years to check for colon cancer if you are 50 years or older and have no colon-cancer risk factors but age — this puts you at average risk.

Sigmoidoscopy is one option for screening colon cancer, but other options allow the entire colon to be visualized. Discuss your options with our GI doctors in OKC.

Sigmoidoscopy may sometimes be preferred over a colonoscopy because it may take less time to prepare for a sigmoidoscopy and test. Moreover, anesthetics are often not necessary. In comparison to colonoscopy, there is a lower risk of direct harm such as sigmoidoscopic perforation.

Preparation for Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Talk to your doctor, change your diet and clear your bowel to prepare for a flexible sigmoidoscopy.

Talk to your doctor

You should discuss any prescription or over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements with your doctor, including:

  • Medicines for arthritis

  • Aspirin

  • Blood-thinning medicines

  • Medicines for blood sugar

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, i.e. nonsteroidal

  • Iron-containing vitamins or iron supplements

Changed Diet and a Clean Bowel

You will receive written bowel preparation instructions from our healthcare professional before the procedure. He will recommend a bowel preparation, so that little to no stool remains in your gut. You can pass clear, liquid stool through a complete bowel preparation. Our doctor should be able to see the lining of your intestine inside your colon.

The day before the procedure, you may have to follow a clear fluid diet. The instructions will provide specific guidance when the clear liquid diet should start and stop. You can eat or drink the following in most cases:

  • Fat-free broth

  • Lemon, lime or orange flavored gelatin

  • Tea or coffee without milk or cream

Fruit juice strained apple or white grape juice. Doctors suggest avoiding orange or any other Red / purple liquid.

Have a scheduled laxative just the day before the procedure. It could be either in pill or liquid form.

A kit for an enema. Sometimes you may require an over - the - counter enema kit to empty your colon — either the night before your test or a few hours before the test. Alternatively, you might be asked on the morning of the procedure to take an enema at home. Your doctor will instruct accordingly.

Change your medication or adjust your medication. Tell your doctor about medications at least a week before the examination especially if you have diabetes, if you use iron-containing medicines or supplements or if you take aspirin or another blood thinner. You may need to adjust your medication or temporarily stop taking it.

Come to Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc. for sigmoidoscopy done by our gastroenterologist in OKC. Let us prevent disease, or diagnose your condition on-time and start your treatment without delay.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.