Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Causes and Treatment of IBS

A common disorder affecting the large intestine is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It impacts an estimated 10-15% of the global population. However, it may differ commonly from one patient to the next, despite how common the situation may be. Symptoms range from bloating and gas to diarrhea and cramping. For some, these symptoms may be mild and for others severe. In addition, for each patient, all underlying causes of the condition may also differ. Although not all causes are comprehended, researchers have identified a few contributing factors which should be treated by a gastroenterologist in Edmond, OK.

IBS and Contractions in Intestinal Muscle

Changes in the generally rhythmic muscle contraction in the intestinal walls can occur with IBS. These contractions are intended to maintain a good pace of digestion movement. This method may, however, move quicker or slower than ordinary in patients with IBS, contributing to the frequently observed side effects.

IBS and Bacterial Gastroenteritis

A prevalent infection causing irritation and inflammation of the stomach and intestines is bacterial gastroenteritis. The disease resolves over time in most patients. It can grow into IBS in others, though. This is known as post-infection IBS and happens after bacterial gastroenteritis in anywhere from 4 to 32% of patients.

What Food to Avoid

In most IBS patients, food sensitivity or intolerance is frequently seen. High-carb foods, sugar beverages, caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol are common culprits. Most IBS sufferers come to recognize foods that deteriorate their symptoms rapidly. There are, however, other food choices such as prunes or fiber that can be useful for consumption.

IBS symptoms

The symptoms include abdominal cramp, pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation.

Typically, a colonoscopy is only done if your doctor suspects that colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease) or cancer are causing your symptoms.

IBS Cause

While there are many methods to treat IBS, it is unknown the precise cause of IBS. Possible causes include a colon or immune system that is overly susceptible. Postinfectious IBS is induced in the gastrointestinal tract by an earlier bacterial infection. The diverse potential causes make it hard to avoid IBS.

IBS Diagnosis

Based on your symptoms, your doctor may be able to diagnose IBS by a gastroenterologist in Edmond, OK. They can also take one or more of the following measures to rule out other possible symptom causes:

  • Stool examination

  • Blood test for celiac and anemia

  • Colonoscopy

Contact Digestive Disease Specialist, Inc for a gastroenterologist in Edmond, OK.

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