Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Why Colonoscopy Is a Much Needed Test to Do?

Colonoscopy is an examination of the small intestine done by a healthcare provider. They are usually looking for some abnormalities like polyps, ulcers, or inflammation. This process in Oklahoma is used if a person has symptoms like weight loss, abdominal pain, or a change in bowel habits. It has been found that people of Oklahoma are more prone to colon cancer compared to any other states in the USA.

Sometimes this procedure is performed to check if a patient has cancer and polyps even without any symptoms especially after the age of 40.. Colon cancer usually starts from a polyp, so it is important to treat a polyp in its early stage to prevent any other diseases.

Risk Factors That Lead to Colon Cancer:

Some of the risk factors for getting early colon cancer are

  • Having familial polyposis syndrome

  • Having inflammatory bowel disease

  • Having multiple relatives with colon cancer

  • Having first-degree relatives with colon cancer

Things To Know or Tell the Doctor Before a Colonoscopy

You are required to tell your doctor about any other medicine that you are taking on a daily basis. It can be supplements or prescription drugs. You might have to take antibiotics if you have an artificial heart valve. Your doctor can tell you if you need to make any necessary adjustments in that case. You have to follow all the instructions about what to eat and do, a day before the procedure to ensure having a successful colonoscopy. This is known as a ‘bowel preparation.’

What is ‘Bowel Preparation’?

Your doctor will give you time to prepare for the procedure. They will instruct you not to have anything before the procedure and keep your colon empty. Most of the bowel preparation for colonoscopy is liquid. Some medicines are prescription-only, while others can be bought over the counter. The doctor will tell you to consume the entire liquid within a particular amount of time. Sometimes the doctor recommends split-dosing. In that, you have to drink half the liquid the night before and the other half the morning of the procedure.

What Happens on That Day?

  • The doctor will get you started on an IV

  • You will be sedated before the procedure

  • You will lie on the left side with your knee near your chest

  • Your colon is expanded so that the doctor can have clear visibility of the colon

  • You can feel slight cramps during the procedure

  • The colonoscope is withdrawn, and the lining of the colon is examined

What Happens After it is Done?

  • You have to stay in the recovery room for some time.

  • You might feel some cramping

  • You can go back to your normal diet

Schedule a Colonoscopy

Digestive Disease Specialist, INC. provides the best colonoscopy for your health in OKC. We take your health very seriously. Call us to book an appointment.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.