Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Why Choose Colonoscopy Over Stool Tests?

As nobody likes the idea of having cancer in the colon, people tend to get colon cancer screenings a lot these days. But when it comes to colon cancer screening, the question arises of what it actually is.

Both colonoscopy screening and stool tests have their perks and drawbacks. But if you were to ask people about their preferences, most people will choose colonoscopy over stool test. But why does this happen? In this article, we are going to talk about some of the main reasons why people choose colonoscopy screening.

  • Colonoscopy screening has a much higher accuracy rate compared to stool-based tests.

  • In a stool test, cancer can only be detected after it has already formed. But that is not the case in colonoscopy. Here, the doctors can trace the possibility of cancer from the presence of small polyps and solve the problems from the roots.

  • A colonoscopy detects the probability of cancer at a very early stage. So, it automatically increases the chances of the patient’s survival.

  • Often, when someone detects the presence of colorectal cancer through a stool test, an additional colonoscopy is needed. That is why it is a much easier option if you simply take the colonoscopy screening in the first place.

  • If you check for colon cancer through a stool-based test, then it only checks for malignancy. But in the case of colonoscopy, your whole colon gets screened. This means if there are any other diseases in your colon that will also get detected by this screening.

  • Small anomalies, abnormal tissues, and polyps can be removed directly during the process of the exam.

  • There is always a chance of having a false positive report in case of a stool based test. But that will not be the case with colonoscopy.

Get Your Screening from Digestive Diseases

Until now you read about one of the best methods used for colon cancer screening. And now, you will learn about one of the leading colonoscopy screening service providers in Oklahoma. And the service provider we are talking about is Digestive Disease Specialist INC.

We have some of the leading professionals of OKC on our team. For that reason, you can be sure that your or your loved one will get proper attention and the best quality treatment.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.