Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Understanding GERD: Symptoms, Causes and Solutions

Are you bothered by persistent heartburn or a nagging cough that won't quit? These uncomfortable symptoms might be more than occasional inconveniences; they could be signs of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD. Many people unknowingly grapple with GERD's challenges in the bustling city of Oklahoma City. Let's break down GERD step by step, answering common questions and providing valuable insights. From symptoms to causes, diagnosis and treatment, we'll unravel the mysteries of this condition and shed light on how GI doctors in OKC can help you find relief. So, if you've been wondering about the discomfort you're experiencing, keep reading to learn more about GERD.

A Deep Dive into Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the symptoms of GERD?- Contrary to popular belief, GERD isn't only about heartburn. In addition to this burning sensation in the chest, patients might experience regurgitation of food, difficulty swallowing and even respiratory issues like a persistent cough. GI doctorsoften encounter patients whose initial complaints are not limited to the digestive tract.

  • What are the main causes of GERD?- The lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a small muscle between your stomach and esophagus, usually prevents stomach acid from flowing back. When the LES malfunctions, acid reflux occurs, leading to GERD. Factors like obesity, diet and certain medications can contribute to this malfunction.

  • Is GERD a serious health problem?- Although GERD isn't inherently life-threatening, neglecting its treatment can result in a spectrum of complications. These may encompass the development of esophageal ulcers and a condition called Barrett's esophagus, known to elevate the likelihood of esophageal cancer. That underscores the significance of seeking prompt guidance from GI specialists.

  • How do you get rid of GERD?- GI doctors typically prescribe a multi-pronged treatment approach. Lifestyle changes such as diet modification and weight loss are often the first line of defense. Medications like antacids and proton pump inhibitors are also common treatments. For severe cases, surgical intervention might be necessary.

GERD's Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Identifying GERD in its early stages is crucial to ensure effective treatment. Aside from the well-known symptom of heartburn, other less-talked-about signs include:

  • Regurgitation of food or sour liquid, often mistaken for a mere stomach upset.

  • Experiencing chest pain, particularly when lying down, is a less common but equally concerning symptom.

  • A dry cough, often persistent and seemingly unrelated to other conditions, may also be a signal.

  • Swallowing might become an ordeal, accompanied by a sensation of food being stuck.

  • A sore throat, particularly frequent in the morning, can be another clue pointing toward GERD.

Causes and Risks You Need to Know

At the root of GERD lies the malfunctioning of the LES, but the devil is in the details:

  • Obesity increases the pressure on the stomach, affecting LES function.

  • Smoking and excessive alcohol intake can also contribute to LES malfunction.

  • Pregnancy can temporarily exacerbate GERD symptoms due to hormonal changes.

  • Medications such as antihistamines, calcium channel blockers and some antidepressants can worsen GERD symptoms.

  • Consulting GI doctorscan help identify your specific risk factors, paving the way for a customized treatment plan.

Tools for Accurate Diagnosis by GI Doctors

In OKC, doctors employ various diagnostic tests, each with its unique benefits:

  • Upper Endoscopy: This procedure uses an endoscope to examine your esophagus and stomach visually. It is especially helpful for identifying inflammation or complications like ulcers.

  • Esophageal pH and Impedance Monitoring: This test provides a comprehensive picture of the acidity levels in your esophagus over 24 hours, offering valuable insights for your treatment plan.

  • Bravo Wireless Esophageal pH Monitoring: This modern technique employs a capsule that is temporarily attached to the wall of your esophagus. It wirelessly transmits data about your acid exposure levels, enabling real-time monitoring.

  • Esophageal Manometry: This test evaluates the functioning of your esophageal muscles and LES. It can identify motility issues that may be contributing to your GERD symptoms.

  • Upper Digestive System X-Ray: This X-ray provides a detailed image of your upper digestive system, which can help rule out other potential issues that could be causing your symptoms.

How Long Can GERD Affect You?

The longevity of GERD symptoms varies widely among individuals. For some, GERD might be a short-lived experience that resolves with proper lifestyle modifications and treatment. For others, it may be a chronic condition requiring long-term management. Regular check-ups with experienced GI doctors can help adjust your treatment plan as needed.

Expert Care for GERD Relief

Are you tired of battling the discomfort of GERD on your own? Turn to the trusted professionals at Digestive Disease Specialists for effective solutions. Our experienced GI doctors are dedicated to helping you reclaim your comfort and well-being. Don't let GERD hold you back; take the first step toward relief today.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.