Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Tips to Keep Your Bowel Healthy During Summer

Digestion problems during summer are not a new thing. Due to the scorching heat, our digestive system tends to get problematic and a lot of issues like bloating gas, stomach cramps, constipation, and frequent heartburn along with acidity take place. You can control these issues if you follow the expert tips given by some renowned gastroenterologist.

How to Reduce Digestive Issues during Summer?

Include Vegetables and Fresh Fruits in Your Diet:

In Summer, you will get a lot of seasonable vegetables and fresh fruits. These fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre. It keeps the system free from the risk of constipation and bloating gas. Having a lot of fresh fruits and green vegetables will keep your bowel clear.

Have Frequent and Smaller Meals:

Eating heavy meals in summer can cause burden on your digestive system. It is always best to have small meals frequently. It allows the digestive system to remain in a good and healthy condition without creating any pressure.

Say No to Spicy Food:

To make your meal better, you would definitely try to grab those spicy chicken wings for lunch or evening snack. That is okay for your taste bud, but will your digestive system be happy with it? Probably No! Try avoiding spicy food in hot summer days and it can cause burning sensations and you get acidity and heartburn.

Limit Your Intake of Caffeine:

Hot beverages like coffee increases the temperature of your body during summer. It can create a lining on your digestive track and lead to bloating gas issues.

Try to Avoid Cold Beverages:

Drinking a chilled glass of soda can be heart melting during scorching heat. But relaxing your body heat for the time being can cost your health. Carbonated drinks like cold drink or soda can offset the enzymes in your stomach. The results will be acid reflux and indigestion. Think before opening the fridge and taking one sip!

Hydrate Yourself Properly:

This is the best way to keep your digestive system healthy during summers. Drinking adequate amount of water is very important. This helps in releasing bloating gas and also healing constipation. Try drinking 3-3.5 liters water a day.

When to See a Gastroenterologist?

If you get frequent acid reflux or heat burn, it is good not to avoid these symptoms and get yourself checked from a gastroenterologist. Book your appointment with Digestive Disease in OKC if you are encountering frequent indigestion.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.