Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Signs to See a GI Specialist

Many people don’t take common symptoms like regular heartburn or stomach pain seriously. Especially people living in Edmond think that DIY and over-the-counter medicine can heal the signs. However, they need to understand that those are just temporary reliefs. For this reason, you should go to a GI or Gastroenterologist in Oklahoma to get the proper treatment.

Different people experience various symptoms like irregular bowel movements to heartburn which can be severe for one and less for others. So, a GI treats those diseases or disorders of the digestive tract and can treat a problem like ulcerative colitis, liver disease, cancer, internal bleeding, problems with gallbladder, and many other diseases.

Reasons to Visit a GI

Regular Heartburn

Sometimes spicy meals can stir up acid reflexes which can give you heartburn. It does not stay for a long time and ends as soon as you have an over-the-counter medicine for it. This happens when acid gets backed up in your GI tract and esophagus, making you feel like your throat and chest are burning.

Some people feel a bitter taste in their mouth or chest pain at night while lying down. Almost everyone experiences heartburn in their life, and it is not a thing to worry about unless it becomes frequent. If it becomes once or twice every week, you should take it to your gastroenterologist.

Rectal Bleeding

If you are experiencing blood in your stool, it indicates an issue somewhere in your GI tract. The seriousness of the disease usually differs for the different individual but mostly indicate bleeding in the digestive tract. Some gastroenterologists in Edmond, OK, usually suggest that this kind of bleeding might happen because of IBS, polyps in the colon, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc.

Regular Stomach Pain

Even this is a common problem people face after eating a heavy meal. Bloating or stomach pain happens if the stomach cannot digest the food, you just had and can be cured by over-the-counter medicine, but if it regularly happens, then it is cause for concern. You can first discuss these symptoms over the phone with your gastroenterologist, and if they say, you can go for particular tests.


This is an issue everyone takes very lightly but can get severe later. It can happen for several reasons like a side effect of a medicine or being physically inactive for a long time, or lack of enough fiber in your diet.

Get it Treated Before it Gets Worse.

Digestive Disease Specialists, INC is a clinic that provides the highest level of gastrointestinal care for its patients. Call to get a free consultation today.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.