Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Little Known Facts About Colonoscopy

Research clearly states that one in every 20 American adults has colon cancer. Also, the best and the only prevention is the early diagnosis and elimination of colon polyps. An ideal step would be to rely on OKC's colonoscopy procedure. This method is best for detecting and treating numerous large intestine ailments.

With successful progress in fiber optics, colonoscopies have become a super effective, convenient, and secure technique. A doctor can now diagnose and eliminate polyps without abdominal surgeries thanks to this advanced procedure. Furthermore, they can do biopsies to recognize the warning signs of cancer. Here are the essential aspects of this procedure:

Being Aware of the Definition

Colon (a large-sized question mark with several twists and turns) starts at the lower right abdomen and finishes in the rectum. OKC's colonoscopy method works well in visually checking the colon with a flexible and narrow-lighted optic tube known as a colonoscope.

A miniature wide-angle lens camera stays at the end of the tube. This camera assists in checking the linings of your digestive tract on video monitors. This process has much higher accuracy than abdominal surgeries and barium enema X-rays.

The Need for Colonoscopy

Doctors generally recommend colonoscopy to those patients who experience symptoms such as blood in the stool, frequent changes in bowel habits, colon polyps’ history, unbearable abdominal pain, or Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Colonoscopies verify the presence of tumors or polyps and help examine ulcerations and colon inflammation.

Preparations Before the Procedure

Let your physician know if you are consuming any medicines, especially those impacting blood clotting. Also, inform them if you have any medical conditions like pregnancy, diabetes, heart, or lung conditions. Does egg or any medication lead to allergic reactions? Please share this information with them.

The Importance of Preparation

There is a need for preparation. Your colon should be completely clean to make colonoscopy safe and effective. Doctors can recommend numerous practices for flushing the colon. Also, you must drink only clear liquids for two to three days and take regular medicines before colonoscopy.

Chances of Discomfort After the Procedure

After the colonoscopy method, the patient stays in the recovery zone for up to 60 minutes. This step ensures the stability of vital signs, hoping that the patient can endure crackers and juice without falling sick. In rare cases, one can experience issues like vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, dizziness, or rectal bleeding.

Bring Back Your Best Self

Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc. brings OKC's most popular colonoscopy procedure. We aim to offer the best possible gastrointestinal care to Oklahomans. Let us help you secure your life with our latest diagnosis techniques and reliable advice.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.