Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Four Common Factors Causing Stomach Pain

Everyone might have experienced stomach pain occasionally whether it is because they eat something the body does not like or have menstrual cramps. If you are suffering from stomach pain regularly, there must be something wrong, or you need to make certain changes in your lifestyle. Here are four common reasons which are probably causing you stomach pain. You can also consult our GI doctors in OKC for a better diagnosis.

Food Intolerance

One primary cause for stomach pain is a food intolerance. You may have food or beverages to which you are allergic unknowingly. For example, some people have a gluten or milk allergy, and this can cause stomach and digestion problems. It can bring issues such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). You can speak to our GI doctors in OKC to have an allergy test.

Not Chewing Properly

The best gastroenterologists in OKC suggest chewing every bit of solid food like meats and vegetables around 30 times for good digestion. Only about eight to ten times before swallowing, do most people chew their food. This can make it more difficult for your digestive system to break the food down and that can cause stomach pain.

Too Little Fiber

Fiber is a component that helps food to move smoothly and eliminate waste through the digestive tract. It could be a cause of stomach pain if you have not enough fiber in your diet. When your intestines get compacted, you may experience discomfort until the abdominal waste is eventually disposed of. Try adding more fiber to your diet to reduce stomach pain, including fruits and vegetables like apples, pears, oats, and bran.

Overlooking Problems

In some cases, an obstruction in your digestive tract might have caused your stomach problems. If stomach pain is severe and obstructing your daily work, you should consult the best gastroenterologist in OKC at Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc. You can book an appointment or for more detail follow our website.

Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.