Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Colonoscopy: The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Colon Cancer

Digestive health is critical for overall well-being, and a colonoscopy is essential for screening and preventing gastrointestinal disorders. Colonoscopy is a widely used diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that examines the inside of the colon or large intestine to detect abnormal growths, such as polyps or cancerous cells. This minimally invasive procedure is the gold standard for detecting colon cancer and other colon-related diseases.

We will observe the definition, look at the five advantageous features, what you can expect during the screening, the risks involved, when you can expect your results, and if there are alternatives to this screening procedure.

Observing the Definition of Colonoscopy

  • Colonoscopy is a procedure that allows your physician to examine the lining of your large intestine (colon) for any signs of abnormal growth or other problems.

  • A long, flexible tube with a camera attached to the end, called a colonoscope, goes through the rectum and into the colon.

  • The camera displays a video image of the colon lining, allowing the doctor to examine it for abnormalities.

Looking at the Advantageous Features of Colonoscopy:

1. Early Detection and Prevention of Colon Cancer: Colonoscopy is the most effective way to detect and prevent colon cancer. Polyps, abnormal colon growth, can develop into cancer if left undetected. During this process, doctors remove the polyps, preventing cancer development.

2. Accurate Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Diseases: It helps to diagnose a range of gastrointestinal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers and diverticulitis. The procedure allows the doctor to see the inside of the colon and take tissue or fluid samples, if necessary, for further analysis.

3. Minimal Discomfort: With sedation, the colonoscopy procedure is minimally uncomfortable for the patient. Patients may feel pressure or cramping during the process, but it should not be painful.

4. High Success Rate: This screening option has a high success rate in detecting abnormal growths, with a reported accuracy of up to 95%. This high success rate is critical in detecting and preventing colon cancer from developing early.

5. Cost-Effective: While the initial cost of a colonoscopy may seem expensive, the long-term benefits of early detection and prevention of colon cancer outweigh the cost. Treating colon cancer in its initial stages is significantly less costly than treating it in advanced phases.

What Can You Expect During the Screening?

  • Before the procedure, the patient will receive instructions from the physician regarding dietary restrictions, bowel preparation and sedation.

  • The patient will receive medication to help them relax and the physician will insert the colonoscope into the rectum and guide it through the colon.

  • The procedure typically takes around 30-60 minutes and the patient should plan to rest for a few hours after the procedure to allow the effects of the sedation to wear off.

Contemplating the Risky Side

Like any medical procedure, there are risks associated with colonoscopy. However, these risks are relatively low, and the benefits of early detection and prevention of colon cancer significantly outweigh the risks. The most common risks associated with colonoscopy include bleeding, perforation of the colon and reaction to the sedative medication. These risks are rare and are typically resolved quickly with medical attention.

When Do You Get Your Results?

After the procedure, the patient will receive instructions from the physician regarding when to resume their normal activities and regular diet. The doctor will also discuss the procedure results with the patient, and after removing any polyps or abnormal tissue, they will send those to a laboratory for analysis. The final results may take a few days to a week and the physician will discuss the results and any necessary follow-up procedures with the patient.

Are There Alternatives to Colonoscopy?

While colonoscopy is the gold standard for colon cancer screening, alternative procedures are available. These include the following:

  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

  • Virtual Colonoscopy

  • Stool DNA testing

However, these alternative procedures have limitations and may not be as effective as colonoscopy in detecting colon cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Take Charge of Your Digestive Health Today

At Digestive Disease Specialists, INC., we understand the importance of digestive health and colonoscopy in detecting and preventing gastrointestinal diseases.

Our team of expert gastroenterologists is committed to providing comprehensive, personalized care to our patients.

Contact us today to schedule your colonoscopy in OKC and take the first step in maintaining your digestive health.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.